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mountain torque中文是什么意思

用"mountain torque"造句"mountain torque"怎么读"mountain torque" in a sentence


  • 山成转矩


  • Frictional torque and mountain torque are of the same order and show similar seasonal variation , but the latter shows more complex spacial distribution
  • Correlation analysis is made and good positive correlation is found between aam and sst of nino iii section . positive correlation is also found between aam and mountain torque , while negative correlation between aam and friction torque
  • The above work gives a quite complete and systematic analysis of the aam balance in a long time , including climatic and anomalous characteristics , and links the aam and its transportation , earth - atmosphere angular momentum exchange ( mountain torque and friction torque ) with lod and sst . the intimate link is confirmed between aam and lod , el nino
用"mountain torque"造句  
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